The first thing you are going to have to do is resize your layout to 432 pixels (6") at 72 dpi. This will not be a request but a requirement before you can upload. But we don't want to lose our full-size image.
For me, I made a new folder naming it Upload to Gallery. This is where I will place the reduced layouts.

Also to help in not overwriting my original, I will name the "thumbnail" according to the challenge I am doing, i.e. "20091031 [1k] Haunted Yard" becomes "2010-10 adspiration". I also place a text document in this folder for writing down the info I will need when uploading the layout.

While each forum is set up a little differently, once you have done one, you can usually figure out the others. They all ask for the same information (albeit, in different terminology sometimes):
1. A title to your layout.I also put the new layout name at the top of the info, just in case (like now) I end up with several layouts in the folder.
2. Keywords (I normally put the sku of the kit I purchased or the challenge name here.)
3. Credits (kit/template designers, name of person you scraplifted from, etc.)
4. Program used (PSP, PS, GIMP, etc.)
5. Fonts
6. Link to kit(s) (If you purchased a kit from their store, this is where you will put the direct link. DO NOT link to blogs or websites, only to the product page)

After the layout has been uploaded to the gallery, I delete it from the folder and from the credits document to help ensure I do not accidentally upload it again to the wrong challenge.

Next time we will go over actually uploading, placing the information and the etiquette you should use.

Template by Isabel Mendez; Spooky Fun Halloween
(c)LorieM Designs; Font: Arial
(c)LorieM Designs; Font: Arial
That is a really cute halloween layout sis!