If not, they will probably have the name of the gallery. Just click on the gallery tab at the top.

And it will take you to a list of the galleries. Scroll down until you have the gallery for the challenge you want. Clicking on it will take you where you can upload.

But sometimes, for one reason or another, the challenge will not mention where to upload or to upload to your member gallery. Nothing to get upset about, just click on the gallery tab again and near the top on the left will be your user name and under it will be a tab called "My Photos" (there may be a few others too, but this is the one you want). Once you click on it, you will be taken to your gallery where you can upload.

Once you are in the gallery, near the top (usually on the right hand side) will be a list: Home * Search * Profile * Upload Photos

Click on "Upload Photos." This will take you to the first of 2 upload pages. The top box will have your user name and pertinent information that you should take a moment to read. Most of which we covered in our previous post about challenges, but still worth reading again.
In the box below you can enter the category (not necessary if a direct link or you located the correct gallery as we went through above). Now click on the browse button to find your layout on your computer. Then click on Upload/Submit. At the bottom there is usually a couple of drop-down boxes; the only one you may be concerned about is if you want to receive an email if someone makes a comment about your layout. Then make sure it is either checked or says yes. You don't have to fill out anything else at this time. You will have the opportunity on the next page.

Remember the credits text document I keep in my upload folder? This is the page that you will need to enter that information on. File out the text boxes then click process.

As long as you followed instructions, saved your layout at 72 dpi, 432 pixels on the longest side, then there should be no problem with the layout. If there is go back to check where the error may be. Once the upload is complete you should be taken directly the gallery.

Click on the thumbnail of your layout and copy the link in the header (you will need this to post in forum).

If you are doing a Gotta Pixel challenge, instead of copying the link in the header, scroll down, click in and copy "Linked to Thumbnail."

Whichever one you used, go back to the forum and at the bottom of the page paste the link in the reply box and click Post Quick Reply or...

If you want to check your link & message before submitting, click on advanced. I like using the advanced as I have a tendency to leave things out. Many of the challenges will also require you to list the product(s) you used on the reply box to be able to receive any bonus. Just like the quick reply you paste the link the your layout, list any products and their links, etc., then you can preview the post.

Make any changes necessary before hitting the submit button.

Now I would like you to head back over to the gallery and click on the layout to the right of yours.

Take a good look at the layout then scroll down to the bottom of the page where in lies a comment box. Make a comment about the layout. Something that caught your eye. Be nice, if you really can't find anything about the layout that appeals to you, write about the photos, the colors, etc.

Scroll back up to the layout and click on "next" to go to the next layout. Repeat the above.

I try to do this for at least 4 or 5 layouts (if there are that many) in each challenge I participate. It makes the scrapper feel good and it will make you feel good. Especially when they start leaving lovely comments about your layout.
Keep scrapping.

Template by Connie Prince; Bootiful Nite (c)Kristmess; Font: Arial
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